Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

My favorite holiday, although Christmas and the Yuletide season may take over as I watch Sage grow and get excited about all of the jolly fat man stuff.

Samhain is the traditional name of what is now the candyfest of Halloween. A day to remember those that have passed before us and to pay our respect. The night of the year when the veil between our earthly realm and the spirit world is thinnest.

All I am going to have time for tonight is family gathering for dinner and cake and Halloweenesque goodies. I'll have pictures tomorrow. Sage is going to be plopped into a pumpkin costume for as long as she can stand it. At least long enough for me to get some pictures! Kaylie is going to be an angel. It seems to be a recurring theme and I am hoping that the concept starts to rub off on her so that she doesn't get in trouble in school anymore!

Cody thinks he's jumping out of bushes to scare little kids. Not happening. I guess he'll be disappointed about that one, but oh well.

Now, I'm off to go home and carve pumpkins with the kids, feast on chicken alfredo and goodies, then send them off to roam the neighborhood while I hand out candy to the ghouls and try to get Sage to bed during it all! Yay, me ... supermama, I'm not! I may lock my door and turn off the lights early. :o)


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