A proud college student

Cody is a very intelligent child. So intelligent in fact, that his middle school counselor approached him just prior to the Christmas break and spoke to him about attending college this summer.
He has entered a four year math and science program at Frostburg University. He will attend college courses every summer throughout his high school career. He only goes for three weeks this summer. The next three summers, he will be attending for six weeks. He was really excited to leave yesterday and his Grandpa was so excited. He insisted on my taking a picture of them and it was the only way to get Cody to cooperate with being in front of the camera.
I'll be going back up to get him on July 10th, and then we return on August 1st for a commencement ceremony.

Grandpa is pretty proud too!!!

Sage, of course, was doing her best to fit in on a college campus and insisted on wearing a knit hat and her sun glasses in ninety degree weather.

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