This is the reaction I got telling Sage about Halloween and explaining that I was going to dress her up in a costume. It's like she was taking it all in and showing her amazement at the thought of it all. I told her all about candy and explained that she could have it one day, but right now ... just too little and I didn't want her getting sick from it. She was laughing and carrying on like she understood everything I was saying, and thinking mommy quite the fool for contemplating keeping something that sounds so good from her awakening tastebuds.

I got my adorable little witchlet this t-shirt at Toys R' Us over the weekend. She was more interested in getting off the socks of death and paid no attention to the shirt. The child hates to have socks on her feet. They lasted for about 60 seconds. I wanted black tights but can't find them anywhere. Hell, I can't even find red tights in her size. Everywhere I went had white, cream and pink! I need red tights for her Christmas outfits, so I guess I need to find them online and order them. So far she has three outfits for Christmas, only one of which has matching tights because they came with the outfit. I need to find a Thanksgiving outfit for her though. I don't know what it is about having a baby that makes you want to dress them for every little holiday that comes along. Thanksgiving? Why? Who dresses up for Turkey Day?
Below are a few pictures I took last night. Sage didn't like wearing her costume much because she wanted to wander and kept crawling into it and getting stuck. She was adorable though.

Sage with her hobo Daddy.
By the way, that's a Tootsie Pop in her hand. Given to her by her Grandpa and then later unwrapped and given back by her Daddy. So much for the talk about no candy until she's older. She was sticky from head to toe after playing with that thing for over an hour last night!

All of the kids with their Dad. From left to right: Tyler as the Grim Reaper; Cody as a "Paintball Dude" (basically lazy and HATES to dress up for Halloween); PJ as the psycho killer clown chaperone; Kaylie as an angel and Sage as the cutest pumpkin in the patch!

My very own pumpkin? What do I do with it?
Chew on the stem! That's what she did with it.

Yesterday morning ... getting my lovins' in for the day before heading off to work!
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